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tv   Book TV  CSPAN  December 9, 2012 10:00pm-10:45pm EST

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the boards are looking at the performance with metrics, when the - board the hospitals do very well and the boards are doing a great service. when they are looking at it like a pure business and it's just in the bottom line that is when the culture becomes very bad. >> host: we just have a minute or so left. just to wrap up, this book has had a tremendous impact. you have gotten a lot of press. are you going to keep operating or run the lecture circuit to keep changing? >> guest: i love being a doctor. there is nothing better in the world than to come out after surgery and say your mom is going to be kind. but i also love talking about the subject because i feel like from my position at hopkins other people have come and have spoken about it and i think i am going to continue to do some
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speaking at different meetings and conferences and stay about three days a week. >> host: that sounds great. and potentially write another book? >> guest: hopefully. >> the book is unaccountable, and we appreciate you taking the time today. >> guest: thank you. happy to be with you. ..
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the adventures of tom sawyer. the two met in 186-3120 rita road mark twain defended sawyer. he relates the stories of his youth. this is about 45. [applause] >> i've actually left my cave in the morning and it could have been at early dawn and at a desperate writing. i work in the next thing i know, letterman son. this is the most exciting adventure. at the 10 books and believe it or not it's very scary and 30 ahead that i haven't even shown, all illustrated.
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i'm just having such a great time doing this stuff. so they asked me when i came here, what were my prerequisites for writing a book. it's got to be simply a face am going to write it, if it takes 15 years, i'm going to finish. the other one is there can't be another book on the subject. i like subjects that have never been touched we have the challenge of taking and bringing this to live. the rule i have is that they tom sawyer by mark twain came back today, david tejada denotes a he know that? that's my biggest joy. i'm another name of the dog. what shop earned, everything that went on. i want to make it as light as i possibly can. soviet the idea was 1991 and i was reading in the pennebaker and that there is a paragraph about voice, boy firefighters back in 1850 to 51, 52 who ran
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the fire engines. and those days there was no street lights, lots of hills. these water engines that these firemen carry thousands of pounds in their site 40 to 50, sometimes as many as 89 politeness. the streets are like quicksand. every produce pictures that kind of people sinking. they had guys writing their wagons and horses and they were down and found them in the spring. that's how bad it was. i thought to myself, the kerry fire to the fire, i thought my god, that is such a poetic occupation. i can't believe nobody's written this. then i got to look and sound of the city had turned down any team than six times by an arsonist. i thought who is this guy? said basically in the true crime writer. that's what i would have to. and then i found out one of these firemen was tom sawyer who
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told -- i forgot his name, robinson of the call he'd run with first volunteer fire department in california and that was brodrick one. back in new york more tom was a runner, a porch boy coming it in the competition among brodrick came us to make his fortune, he basically wanted to be a senator. that's what his plan was. tom came along and an assortment of the weirdest guys you ever saw, the worlds ugliest man, have you a chance, murderous, gunslingers, conmen, just absolutely amazing people. i thought it got to write this. as i work in a release we are very close to it the tom sawyer met mark twain in may of 1863 about three blocks from here. the old thing in the same room. twain liked to talk to tom
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because tom movies free stories and they played cards and drink here matching campaign. so that was the genesis. i thought this has got to be written. so while the series of tiny bits and pieces, diaries and stuff; it's a. but this is a result. i took out as they do, 40,000 words. can you imagine? spicer have over shop may mark, but i do love it. it's the most fun. i guess they could read you some know if you'd like. this may take a second. i've never read in public record. so i'll start with a quote from tom sawyer. this is the. i have to read this unfortunately. you want to know how i come to figure his books, do you sawyer said? he turned on a stool, it wants to reporter car racers brandy and took us to. they were speaking of twain of course. as i said, we both was fond of
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telling stories and spinning yarns. sam, maybe fond of children's doing some whatever solace fighting on the street to do was stop watch them. in it, and the blooming, saloon days to go to at night and described and i tried to beat his yarn by telling antics are used to play when i was young. so listen to the strengths of mine with great interest in it occasionally take them in his notebook. one day he says to me, i'm going to put you between the covers of a book some of these days, tom. go ahead samite set, but don't disgrace my name. so that's an interview with the real tom sawyer and david cisco called in october 23rd 1898. cibecue old-school interviews. so this is the prologue and this will give you an idea we were just talking about. it was the first tom sawyer has seen mark twain looking plum.
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lucier new sure nobody, fiery hair, long, black looking cigar and soup strainer mustache. a rangy, lanky man, twain didn't really want, but hambleton slouched his rate through the muddy streets and back alleys of san francisco. his normal dresses careless and disheveled. it's closer on brushed and freckled with tobacco. though at this moment his chest a forest of matted hair on labeling from the arm of the chair. twain's eyes slanted like an evil beneath ranging, prowess. on this rainy afternoon of june, 1863, twain was nursing a bad hangover inside and sells fashionable montgomery street scene rooms halfway through what was intended to be a two-month visit to san francisco this stretched for years. the sleepwalking and melancholic journalists regularly went to the turkish testis without any
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suicidal temptations, which were not uncommon. at the back he played penny-ante with the proprietor, and stalin sawyer come in the recently customer inspectors, custom spec or, volunteer fireman a bona fide local hero. in the clouds of boiling seems, sawyer was mending his own one, though his spur from a nearly fatal ordeal a decade earlier. in contracts to the lanky train, sawyer three years older was a stocky wrong phrase bazemore. they are comfortable to case and to come his hair was a disordered haystack, a dark round shockwave site or in spirit is just careless in his body smooth, well muscled, but without definition, though he could have too made easily. in comparison to train soup strainer, his mustache and goatee were unimpressive. sawyer was not completely. he wore a coat of smoke and
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soot, which is a three-man paid poker, a hot scheme gradually washed away. beneath her bare feet, ancient secret tunnel and under that, a huge raft upon which the massive four-story granite building floated. two doors down was the distillery. two doors up was the code we have her, cold rain station half the book really that the bloodstained ground of murderous corner. in early may, virginia city for a two-month visit to visit tobrex, handsome brother john briggs, a close friend and hannibal and neo-nazi former class may. twain had passed our set at stalls ground-floor barbershop in basements and bass on montgomery street. a third affair he likened to just save being on main street
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in hannibal in meeting the old familiar faces. the extensive chunk of granite dome is the montgomery block dominated the southeast corner of montgomery and washington streets. numbers 722 and 724, montgomery. identical gresh tobacco warehouse, melodeon theater and now the turkish bath were trained parboiled the fire ms. sawyer install, another good friend. twain study discards them have to do of dirt. it was cold and sweaty in his path. he took a swig. a few droplets caught in this horseshoe mustache and he left them there. he found as he played poker, smoking one of his wheeling long sandwich report that the could kill it 30 yards. he become addicted when he was a reporter in the mississippi. huffing contributed his own cause to the roiling steam. twain bought the long, disgusting licorice flavored ropes by the basketful including
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the barrel. for a sketchy but then in this reputable square boxes of 200. he woke two or three times a night to smoke. he held a pleased in the air took a few widths and scatter the vapor with the long sweep of his arms. twain had acquired a taste for steam baths and virginia city and while laboring under bronchitis any serious cool court at the recently waters eight miles northwest of the kiker green between virginia city and steamboat springs a distance miles. for the first of a long line of thing before columns they distracted a large custody then. same like and a hot wasting the mid from fishers in the earth tree steamboat this gave.
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they needed boiling, surging noise exactly is the steamboat to. he enjoyed facing exit his handkerchief and to demand the springs. they would in two minutes or hard oil and for depending upon his mood. sawyer luxuriated in hotmail and surveyed his cards, which were murky and the haze. the spores were damp from the sweat running down his arms. the fresh bottles of dirt simon were cold. in his 32 years, sawyer had been a torch boy. in engine company have run embattled fire for broader quad under david broderick from the city's volunteer fire come any in first fire chief. so your circuits other engine house is an toiled as the steamboat engineer, flying the mexican feature a.
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twain, who held strong opinions on stever's perked up when sawyer mentioned he had worked as a steam vote engineer. the journalist cautioned any bold boy who trimmed of shipping as a steamer empire men. such a job he said knowingly as his little drawbacks. the boiling steam room pointed out the suffocating temperature of the furnace room, with engineer stan in a narrow space between two rows of furnaces, which by effect the fires of. he shoveled coal for four hours a stretch and i'm varying temperatures of 140 degrees fahrenheit. steamer, fireman do not live on average over five years. sawyer survived twice that long because he was a fireman in a recent to the word. extinguish fires and stoked fires to theory. he knew furnaces in every aspect of combustion intimately. the stronger the drought, the thicker the fire should be
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explained. his face lighting up in the clouds of steam the warmest topic. the fire thicknesses kept even in no hollow places are thought to form under, the furnace temperature gradually increases until a certain breath of feel reaches a state of white incandescents. you could tell temperature principles color within a few degrees. tall red tent 1290 degrees fahrenheit. cherry red indicated 1470 degrees. orangemen to temperature exceeded 2000 degrees benway signaled the lease of 2370 degrees. as the night that the temperature was claiming far beyond limits of the iron boiler and had to be stamped down. before sawyer abandoned the sea for good, he made a brief attempt at making a fortune in the gold mines with john mcrae critique strike it big but not until much later.
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by then, the bonanza king was/. unusual number of sailors headed for prosperity and have been unusually lucky in their pursuit. the fortune failed to smile upon sawyer zephyrs then it got back steamship engineering as fast as he could. when he returned to san francisco in 1859, became a special patrolman on land and was appointed fire corporation yard keeper. the sawyer never realized his dream of becoming the foreman of phantom pokémon or come any, it was all politics there he said bitterly. he achieved an equally lofty position. he held the highest office in the city, literally, not figuratively as a fire bell ringer in the city tower elevated 40 years about the mayor. in 1862 because of his long experience fighting fire he was elected as a delegate under william c. cox.
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a violent volunteer fire company helped organize the year-earlier period february 263 he replaced john rice has foreman. so your new puppy piling san francisco, every steep hill interesting road. at style but the strong adherent of the rebellious and bloodthirsty vigilantes have lived at this family on the top floor of the montgomery broth. the building was erected over a decade earlier. before that he had to pass across the way. he was living here with james king of william, and the self-righteous muck working editor of his daily event bulletin was gunned down out front. the shooter was james p. casey, a former volunteer fireman with a criminal past in the tombs of new york. king brought in situ -- was laid out a install scholar. and life, king's huge head, heavy from so much brain rolled
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to one side as he walked. as he lay dying from his head rolled over the age of the stained table. king died in buffy's store, room 297 pottery barn vigilante lynch casey at the city aflame. stoll still held strong opinions. he was vigorously opposed to a number page especially the prominent lawyers and judges who would not trigger to the law and order side. many heated arguments almost to the point that arose in the barber's chair. local author polly jacobson wrote, when i first set foot in san francisco in february 1850, sawyer continued in the clouds of steam, i wanted to be an engineer and a steamer pier twain grunted disapproval. but if i try performing the honest business of fighting fire in training the gang of right tied adolescent boys to lead the
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engines with their torches. the city desperately needs volunteers and needed runners like a then in new york city and new york. sawyers 90 life-saving acts urge had taken place on board a burning steamboat of which twain had a particular horror. the kind of dread that awakened the journalist that may and saddam shaking in clouds of cigar smoke. for that reason, you listen attentively, switzerland on this route. fire and explosion on board the steamboat independence. in which hundreds died from hideous goals. a steamer in new york city and christmas day 1850 he did not reach san francisco for the first time until september 17, 1851. laying a wide trail of foam
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impression paddles with abandon, the independent glided towards work, extensional claim commercial streets between the peer and clay street were. this team was screaming to the gauge cox paired weights team was normal and such non-convincing ages, exhaust into the air liquor virginia city hot spring. so i went to live at the shipwreck, which is pretty horrible. not to spoil your evening. it's an amazing feat. tom actually spend the people assure on his back through swarms of sharks. 90 people who is credited with saving. they were shipwreck for a while, but he came back to san francisco. that's when he was really made his mark and he went back in 1859. i thought you might enjoy a tiny bit of chapter one of the
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prologue. this is when dave broderick came to san francisco to start a fire company. he was so charismatic that they came last with him just to be close to the sky. he had 49 shoulder striker is somewhat dated as much people at the election polls got them to vote the way broderick wanted in order to achieve the things he wanted. he became very wealthy when a guy here. if you many $10 co-pays at the dollars are through quote, he could do very well. as alan san francisco christmas eve and deceive the city for the first time. i'll give you this little bit and see how this goes. in san francisco roderick awakened before dawn. he was not lonely. he had been such a blipping
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charismatic figure in manhattan with many fellow firefighters sent political tests trailed after san francisco. lying in bed consider the rains that began in early november imported by sea sir december. the stillness that made them contemplated. independently wealthy. he limped to the window, we think i'm still recovering from the illnesses from south america and kept from the minds and from serving stephenson. he saw the rain had momentarily stopped in the wind had faded away. the lobos a godsend. northeast of san francisco, forfeits of sacramento still lay underwater, permitting a steamer to shuttle up and down streets and allow passengers to enter the second story city hotel room. the 50 inches at icy wind and
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shotgun blast of black tail that it pummeled san francisco a winter the dreams of its citizens. they tossed in their beds. insight comestible homes, still with nightmares about what happened when the life-saving downpour ended. they were posed in front of their fires, listening to think cockiness equals a paraffin? they watched the clear glass of their lamp chimneys black and instead of being warned, they fear the worst. they dreaded the high winds off the bid of a drive the way to inflame the building in the deeper water wells, flame equipment to buy, at the readiness and cisco woodburn. for years earlier, pittsburgh had been a disastrous on fire. that would come after you went
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to six weeks without rain. san francisco spring would be much different. but the results would be the same. from his window, broderick made at the end of the road where fogbound hitting heaps naturedly forest of mass power. he's abandoned vessels are transported hundreds of thousands of poles seekers, when made a thousand ships or things. broderick stands on the still a callous hand of a stonecutter. the practice hands of a rough-and-tumble politician and consummate our room bowler. during the night the ex-firefighter had slumbered, feeling all around the thin boards shaking in the racing rims. how tightly stretched their nerves. the san francisco phase of those medicines didn't want to know.
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as the most man-made disaster this vindication of the tragedy to come. someone had during the sheets hotel in january. two weeks after they set foot, a series of fires got people to thinking. thinking it was hard and a little frightening. as christmas approached, people forgot to think instead of spirit and angry shouts of overpriced gifts data freshwater $3 a barrel and curled up before it's fired could sugar. none were willing to take the nominal stetzer is preventing the tragedy it was inevitable. they pressed against the window pane and watched black water
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flowed down the muddy streets to the shallow cove. shaped by the western shore, so that the abandoned ships. i would like to say something about ships. i've written another book adjusted fees. an entire city, 25,000 people a san francisco between 1849 and freshly built about 1851. on board perfectly good shifts. they're not going to wait a second. they left behind all the ships. there were 1000 ships left. montgomery street was the waterline. we had 10,000 people there. nobody had ever written about this. good cows since urban. they had gangsters and refugees
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and deserters. to me it's a real first setting since the cowtown in the middle of history. this is something that's never been done in this equally fascinating with sawyer. so there is a scene in this book and this is a true story, tom realized because they had no equipment that if he rodin at night come he could find axis about the things they need to see sam and cisco. afterwards it is in the paper and other fire companies. as of six fire set by an arsonist completely destroyed the city, they immediately started rebuilding. unfortunately with all the same kind of the lancet caught fire. it winds and rain and it was thanks to broderick and his gang of 49 outside to think of them. they were the only thing that
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stood between san francisco. the fire crews we had, these buildings where they were granted the veins, double windows. they arrested the city. it took six buyers to capture and there is more to that story. we wouldn't be here if it hadn't been for broderick and his gang. just incredible people. the interesting thing is everyone of them that was a tragic end. i thought they were shot down, imported. they're actually murdered in some cases. he was in a duel. they would discuss the wood fire property. rough and tough times and absolutely fascinating to me. these are my friends. they're walking around in the
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room i elected to do injustice. i'm not trained as a raider. i'm trained as an artist. it is difficult to me. usually a thousand page book. the hard part is cutting it down again. a leech you the rest of this opening. as of this done the day before christmas 1849, broderick thought is terrible thought. the ex-firefighter's spot outside come to light. here's the calling of ducks through the deep mud to force a square. three sides are taken up by the devil. the inflammable canvas roofs, muslim floors and walls. they were silent.
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only on the upper side of your square had got taken a small toehold for the reverend preached in thunder and with the transgressor is hard. a great calamity with surly to be father great tinderbox cause san francisco. reverend taylor was fairly wrong. the building materials all combustible to his friends back east. no water except in very deep wells. available where it might be required. if and not enough to make a very prudent man tremble? this resident warned that fire once begun at the windward side would be certain to burn the whole boomtown to ash in an instant. christmas eve fire in the second
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floor window dinesen's exchange. dennis then stood dead center in the fledgling city on the east side and washington streets. from where to ground this genie about catastrophe of this at night ability personified. since it ended cotton, fabric as road tire. even the painting thymus unbleached canvas walls were executed in oil. throughout october and november, the wagering palace at plumped as an oil soaked rag. ready to burst into flame at the touch of a match. 5:45 a.m. in the fledgling place was first noticed a mild sort of alarmed was disseminated among the saloons.
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many preparing to open in five hours. virtually no wind pierces the greatest threat to the city would be an aggressive when, fanning the flames. first the fire crawl as the halfhearted alarm ambled lazily across the square. the news is not a silent in the southwest corner of clint kearney streets. there is a large general merchandise store in the southeast corner in the crockett building on the northeast corner. by deities are busy heads. the crockett's gambling rooms closed it near dawn in a scandal he said staggered home. on the southwest corner of clay in dupont of the guests were asleep. the only side effect dignity
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ways between clay and sacramento streets. a handful of early rising vegetable merchants and wine cellars setting up their stalls heard whispered alarm, absently took up the cry impacted on a different conversation. notice how prettily the fire crews along the beach one remarked gleefully as he put his creep down in the man. they kelley hessedal union are on fire, too. thanks again to yell and the fireball finally rang out. broderick started at the first observed black smoke curling upward. this indicated a fresh fire. from its color he got estimated temperature from experience new what a hot fire could do. breathlessly he dragged on his trousers, clapped his hat on his head and rushed out in his shirt sleeves. the instant he reached the
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square he began shouting. format rocket brigade. virtually in those days everything to the east of macomber street was underwater. gallbladder sludge between washington and clay streets which ran from the northwest and southeast sides of the square and was halfway to jackson pierced a few buckets were available to give her grade i.t. is canvas sacks, boxes in any container that holds water. broderick used his hat. so i try to keep this short. i personally love every part of this book. it's always a bit detailed. my drawing from which i'm proud of, we didn't use them all, i think you can probably see millions of lines in them. i'm pretty strict when i work. i make a mistake i do it over. i'm a bit of a bug on this topic. plus if i can find one i like.
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one of the things we did this unusual as instead of having photos of people he drew them all. so these are what they look like in the time. of course i made a nice map annecy can see, it's for this team that fire. i wanted to use pictures of tom, but they really like to go with the drawings, so we did that. i just thought it is one of an exploding steamboat that they like. naturally i can't find it. this is my favorite person in the book. usually my pictures are sort of symbolic. they taught them how to write. in 1863 they knew each other. sort of went to two stories because of their sedan esteem that commie son among the
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stories. i think my favorite part i won't worry with that, between empty and gives a speech about the future san francisco and roughing it he mentions sawyer. part of the speech i love is very serious. what's happened to the city and they see san francisco is bright and better than any city in the best in the best city in the world. i think it's a wonder piece of san francisco history, which had been told. i did find every mention of time. i try to put them all in here. i just signed him to be an incredibly great and forgotten hero. tom did all kinds of legislation for the benefits of firemen. read stories where they'd be a fireman to the surprise. unless committing suicide in his last letters to tom sawyer we knew we could count on. so tom became famous because of
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our connection between any hope and insulin called the original tom sawyer's. it's really while it is with is. when i came to be the political cartoonists in september 16, 1968, what a thrill that was. they were remodeling the building. so they made us go to the southeast corner. so for six months i worked on the third floor in the second quarter would have been tom's old bedroom on the ground floor with the original tom sawyer's, which burned in 1806. so i always thought this was linked here. i wrote a book about the woman in the shower was not janet leigh. as an actress and a model.
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they wanted everyone to think that was janet leigh. i thought my god in one year this forgotten women. i refers to know she was dead. in one year use cover play role, and francis corporals first movie, the canseco. she was one of the first 10 bunnies in chicago. she wrote stallions for steve mcqueen. so i'm writing this book. i was than his personal involvement. it is a great door in a great woman. gradually i find clues that may be somebody else was killed in her place. somebody saying i was the woman. i went to her she has to go to high school. there was no date, but a remark.
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maybe find out how she was alive. i've been asking ever about it. send sitting there saying she has to be alive. i've been written a book by woman by us go there and she's alive. the phone rings and a voice says hi. i understand you've been looking for me. that's a cool thing. as a woman, very modest, did some amazing stuff. i'd say i have the one that i enjoy the most was about print story which became the movie autofocus. i try to keep my word people. people know that when it comes to everything. but with a suitcase.
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they literally had to buy tickets so heavy of his fellow nobody near. forgot the trial after 17 years, new evidence. this really worked out extremely well. again a fabulous movie. entries will be of course i.d. act is an absolute masterpiece. greg kinnear and william dafoe. the only as a portion to be the luckiest guy in the world because they do the movies. see the city in flames six times. i call him the light keeper. i got this idea because when i was working we had a guy come in. he must've been 90. he got his picture taken. he posed by an old quote. i thought easily nailed it
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because i wasn't sure what he wanted to do. i thought look at him. you could feel the salt. i thought that's what i want to be like. he started talking about these fires in san francisco. he says we called in the late king. i don't know how many people use that, but i like that title. you can only strike when they're going away from telegraphs. simulate the torches to ships and stuff. so i stuck with that name. i've a few things like that. when you find the secret, go really be surprised. but i'm writing the book had no idea who will place. at the end of this book for the first time 150 years you know the identity of the man to the city. his affiliations and motives. so i guess i could take questions if you want. i think we have enough staff. [applause]
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>> it's a thrill to be here. this is such a landmark. it's hard to believe i used to coming here and shop all the time and now i get to be here. thank you. [inaudible] >> of my research. i wrote the first book on the bomber. by way of doing this is when the cabin was there and so was cleaned and they built a fence around it. the pictures of the fbi. we want to take this cabin because we think there's bombs and it. so they decided to build and fly it out. somebody says did anyone see "wizard of oz"? of the built-in road. so i got to know the neighbors. i got in behind the fbi lines and i got to stay with the neighbors and they take me up and snowmobiles and all-terrain vehicles. i found in the word, and the
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fire there's a big piece of wood with all these mathematical symbols the unabomber had an ms reseller because it's better to lock them in. they just love this guy. i set a date to read a story. forget the unabomber. carving things, he'd be all black and smelling bad. it right through the town and all the dogs to chase and many would get horrified. he would give everybody vegetables. so what i did a state of every state. other hotels. stated that the buses went to the library. the unabomber's pompeii sentencing him to somebody. they weren't there anymore. if somebody else he didn't like you said the bomb of gopac. they had to know why it was
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these things misaddressed. probably not mistake his his review. i go to the reference section. all the books for one or see you saturday. they been going to the library and writing down the professors and geneticists who want to get rid of. so i like that because i'd a hundred i had a hundred days to write the book. the letter kaczynski's letter wrote to the layers is saying we notice similarities. i got a copy of the rough draft of the manifesto. i like to do that. as far as i know, the next book with somebody else did a book on him six or seven years about his time at harvard. it was all here. i want to give everybody their money's worth. >> thank you. very


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